Basic Cooking Classes

Basic Cooking Classes will give the foundation of talented cooking and help you understand that cooking is not just a few words on a piece of paper but rather a few good ideas and techniques put together to make a mix of ingredients taste as good as possible.

* Giggling Gourmet CooksCourses , as per their website, "take place on a Monday evening 6 for 6.30 pm and the duration is typically a 3½ hour session. These class accommodate no more than 24 participants who, not only have serious fun and learn cooking skills and techniques using the highest-quality kitchen equipment, but as a final reward for their achievement, they also enjoy their Epicurean masterpieces that they have collectively made".

* Nikki Green gives beginners cooking classes in a private home. The beginners classes are 4 sessions and last for approximately 4 hours. They include:

1st class is a baking class (bran muffins, chocolate cake, sweetcorn muffins, cheese bread, and the secret of making omelettes.

The second class, she works with mince (lasagna, meat balls, cous cous, bobotie, stir fry veges, pancakes)

The third class she focuses on chicken (roast chicken, roast potatoes, roast onions, gravy, chicken pie, chicken tettrazini, Nikki's sweetcorn chicken).

And the last class, she works with soup, home made bread and puddings (foccacio, onion soup, impossible pie, yummy choc fudge pudding, fruit crumble toppings).

The course costs R900 and includes all ingredients and recipes and she needs to have a minimum of 3 people to make thelasses viable and maximum of 6.

Nikki also offers Entertaining cooking class which I have attended. See my review.

* Silwood offer exciting 4 part hands-on basic course to cook healthy and delicious meals to your family. You will learn how to make roasted vegetables, lasagne, apple crumble and much more!

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